Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Switzerland September 2013

We have just returned form a spectacular trip to the heart of the Swiss Alps the Bernese Oberland must be one of the prettiest spots. We went with Andy's fungi enthusiast friends, Jen, Keir, Mark, Al & David. I must admit I adored the walks in the moutains, the breathtaking mountains capped in snow, massive pine forests and alpine flowers...I also enjoyed the mushrooms for the first few days.....then I became 'fungied out'. The walks were not the problem but the evenings with six people scrutinizing all of the finds started to get on my nerves so I hdd to drag Andy out of our small village chalet and in to one of two watering holes opposite. The mountain hostel and restaurant also served a piping hot cheese fondue!

I am not exagerating when I say the village was small...170 residents..many with the same surname!!!! And the village was only accessible by cable car....not for the faint hearted!

The village makes it own cheese and butter. Alpine cheese is absolutely delicious and we learned from the farmer it can only be made three months of the year - June to September as it is dependant on the rich pasture for the cows. The higher the pasture, the richer the pasture but before June and after September it is too cold for the cows to graze. Apparently the Alpine cheese has four times more Omega 3 so it is very healthy.

One of my favourite days was spent at Lake azure, glass lake surrounded by mountains and pine. Absolutely breathtaking........the spent seevral hours walking from one village to another taking an obscene number of photos.

We were only there for a week but were thrilled to wake up to a shallow blanket of snow one morning....not enough to stop the day's activities but enough to provide some more great photo opportunties.

I am so glad I took lots of pictures because as beautiful as it was I will not be returning the next fungi focused holiday that they are planning for next year. One can only take so much mush!

Summer UK

What a summer it has been. No sooner than we arrived back from Florida, we were immersed in a wonderful hot summer......and it was well and truly due as 2012 offered no more than one hot week in May!

The highlight was Tom's visit...a whole week! We spent time exploring London, perusing guitars on Tin Pan Alley, listening to Bach being performed at St. Martins-in-the Field Church and watching the Mongol Rally set off from Bodiam Castle in East Sussex.  Definiitely on the TO DO list!!! Must assemble a team of four insane females.....ready why

The highlight was scoring two open mike gigs for Tom in Shoreditch and Islington...the two hottest spots to play in London. His performances were extremely well received as he crooned out three brilliant solos at each...on top of that he had them recorded which can now be heard on Sound Cloud.  He also picked up some fans on the way. Cannot wait for him to come back in December.

The other highlight of the summer has been the garden. Anita's dad kindly entrusted us with two tomoto plants which we bestowed with love like a first born. They have thrived and given us a tomato feast. On top of that, our long suffering potatos have finally yeilded and provided a harvest....not bad considering!!!! As we headed in to Autumn the apple and pear trees have littered the lawn with fruit which I am churning in to pies and cakes at the speed of knots. Great for the pallette but not for the waistline!



Monday, September 30, 2013

Summer USA...........

What a wonderful summer but it flew by....whoooossssshhhhhh............

It started with a fab trip to Florida...stayed in the old abode thanks to Julie and for several days Andy and I caught up with Julie, Janet, Jill, Ruth & Chris with our wonderful get togethers. This time it felt different...we were all in different places than we were two years ago. Chris now staying at home and enjoying a writing career, Ruth doing well with her job, Jill embarking on her yoga classes, Julie finally seeing the financial light in the rental market and Janet now enjoying all of her children away from the nest and me, of course, settled in my new married life in London. Whereas two years ago we were in a state of flux ,we now have all apparently settled in to our new lives.

I managed to fit in two days of massage claasses to enable me to renew my massage license and we then sped up to Tampa to spend time with Charlotte and Ian. I loved their new home and the life they have created, immersed in their relationship, Craft Beer and cooking.....idyllic!

The four of us had a blast enjoying their resort pool and Clearwater Beach. The cherry on the cake arrived when Tom joined us for two days. Bliss! We also used is an opportunity to get some great family shots.





What a great time we all had. we discovered Marsh Rabbits...small rabbits that lived in nests near water...we adored the Sandhill Cranes living their lives whilst new buildings pushed them further out of their domain.....we even went for a fungi walk and found Agaricus.

It was hard to leave after 4 days but we had to get back to Fort Myers for the Saturday as it was Kelseys wedding.....and what a lovely wedding it was. Thne bridal party looked radiantly happy...Janet looked fabulous in a shocking pink dress and Jim gave a heartfelt speech, amusing, inappropriate and heartfelt...we loved it!

Our last day had us bounce between Tampa and Fort Myers in record time trying to determine and secure the flight that would get us home in time for our next round of activities..........flying the weekend of July 4th....we were mad but had no choice AND.we made it home safely,

My Florida

I have now been away from Florida for two some ways it seems like yesterday and in others like an eternity.

The place where I spent the best part of thirteen years which initially started as a summer get away.

The place where I began a new life as a single mum and raised two wonderful (one a little wilder than the other) children.

The place where I waited to put my first born, Charlotte on her first yellow school bus to Kindergarten on her first day at school. Of course she ran away the first couple of times and I ended up having to drive her the first week.

The place where I used to rollerblade Tom to the beach every morning with his Batman cape flying behind the stroller.

The place where I launched three independent careers.

The place where I bought my first home on foreign soil.... my ongoing project, the home that hosted my parties, Charlotte's parties, cooking marathons, sleepovers, retreats for friends....the home that housed laughter, tears, slammed doors, hysterical giggles, heartfelt conversations and idle chatter.

The place where I made some extraordinary friends, The place that the word family took on a whole new being the friends we love that are tirelessly by our side, embrace our light side and put a protective arm around our dark side.

Florida, my paradise and my prison. I miss you......bits of friends, the sunlit patterns on the swimming pool, the birds, the space to breathe, the heat......

This last visit enabled me to step back and see what I had....what I still have....and know that our memories both past and future will be cherished forever.


Too Bogged to Blog.....

I cannot believe I have not Blogged since June! I guess that's the last time I had a chance to breathe. I am also sure it is no coincidence that this was when Andy finished working at Kenwood House too!

I have so much to Blog about....Florida, Henley, Tom's visit, Switzerland, stunning British summer....where do I begin.....well, let me start with a vent :) well sorta.....

Within several days of us being at home TOGETHER, I realized I needed to go out to work...because;

a) This flat ain't big enough for the both of us (Andy sure askes a lot of questions)
b) I have had enough time being the lady of leisure and cannot buy any more clothes
c) I'd like Andy and I to buy a small home in the next few years for our retirement years

I have decided that my final career move will be a revisit to the world of sales training. I actually was submitted for a great job through a headhunter but the job was shelved for a couple of months as they lost the head of that department (he quit....hmmmm....maybe a sign). Unfortunately, this was after spending two manic weeks preparing for an interview! That whole process showed me that I truly was ready to jump back in to the workforce and am now getting re-certified in a sales methodology which blends well with the Alinean solutions. So, overall, the plan is to move forward as an independant sales trainer and consultant, focusing on an evidence based methodology. Sounds good right!

Whilst the plan is in motion I have continuous interuptions from the fungi fiend (thats the Andy and fungi combo)! With fungi season in full swing, we are busy with walks, gathering and cooking for our events, developing a program for schools AND a survey on Hampstead Heath. Look at all of these mushooms. This was just this morning's bounty and this is almost an every day occurence.

On top of that, I am writing "The Small Sales Book for Big Sales".....I will use Chris' route of an e-book and will be thrilled to have that on my resume, regardless of actual book sales.
Wish me luck!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Maiden Voyage

So, no sooner than I put last week's post up, we witnessed one of our baby birds fledge. The mum has been back and forth like crazy luring him/her to the nesting box entrance with little pieces of fat that Andy hangs for them. Sitting in the sun, we watched this tiny little head appear and start poking his/her head in and out...after a few minutes they jumped out and landed on one of my dead Ficus is a pic...
They stayed there a little while fluttering their wings and getting their bearings....they then dropped over the fence in to the neighbors garden. Maybe just as while they are out of my view as I felt compelled to stand guard over them and scare off any Robins or Blue Jays that came within the vicinity.
I feel like a proud Mum!!!
Let's hope that nature is kind and let's them survive.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Birds & Bees

It is all about the birds and bees...literally....we are thrilled to see the sun bringing the busy bees out do their intensely under estimated job of pollinating the flowers.......
I am laying here in my back garden sun trap on May Bank holiday shared with Memorial Day. Amazing to think I am in London as all I can hear, apart from the very occasional train, are the birds singing. Through Andy's teaching I can now identify lots of the birds by their song along This includes all of our regular visitors...the Green Finches, Gold Finches, Blue Tits, Coal Tits, Great Tits and Woodpecker.  I now have the Blackbird and Thrushes worked out too.
Quite pleased that the wild parrots are not around as we are holding a protective eye out for our Blue Tit babies. Andy has had a nesting box out for a number of years but this is the first successful year. We did have babies last year but sadly lost them to a cat. This year Andy has secured the nesting box  to the frame of the kitchen window and it seems to have provided the safe start.
I made sure I groomed Sophie in the garden as nesting began and I think many birds took advantage of her sumptuous fur to line their nests, the Blue Tits included. I now hear the babies call to their mother bird when she is in the area....more caterpillars please...and I love how the father shares the task....too many mouthes to feed for one alone. Andy has been telling me how their parents feed according to the growth of the babies...start with small insects and graduate to do they know this stuff!!
I am terrified for their fledging....first flight out and want to put a pillow beneath their nesting box...just in case.....
I think the most energy I shall use today is a short trip to the fruit shop to buy new favorite a small peach but sweeter and sour at the same time. A glorious pre-summer indulgence....I have planted some pips with great hope......I doubt they will surprise me but I live in hope.....I mean our climate can be similar to South Africa.....hmmmm...who am I kidding....
Ahhh.....the simple pleasures....