I am so frustrated. Banking has become an absolute nightmare. It was not so long ago I was hailing the ease of bill paying online but this has all changed.
Now I am living in the UK the Bank of Amercia has instituted this next level of security. Everytime I want to make a transfer to my UK bank account they have to text me SAFE PASSCODE. All well and good IF you have an American cell phone. Because I do not have an American cell phone I have had to have the texted code sent to Charlotte who has to send to me. This gives us two minutes for her to send me the code and for me to input online.....first nightmare!! So I am dependant on her schedule, her mood and her ailing cell phone. On top of that, now she is here I have to find someone else to send these codes to.
If that was not bad enough, my UK bank account is with Barclays Bank. Online banking here is even worse!!!!!Not only do I have to have a special membership number every time I go online, I need a pin number and a secret word. Everytime I go online it tells me that I have to put in the second and fourth letter of my secret word, or the second and the fifth etc. etc..........
If that is not enough, they have also send me this special little tool that resembles a small calculator. I have to then turn it on, slide in my bank card and it then transmits a code number. This morning it has taken me 10 minutes to go through this chain of events and when I have done the last piece a message pops up saying ONLINE BANKING IS TEMPORARILY OFFLINE.........grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I AM OVER THIS. What little money I do have I want to withdraw and spend on queludes and alcohol to get over this ridulous mess. (I actually don't know what a quelude is but it sounds good!!!)
girl, you are too funny